Book Chapters
Akagbor, M. A., Dzisah, J. S., & Sedegah, D. D. (2022). Majoritarian democracy and the LGBT conundrum in Ghana. In M. E. Addadzi-Koom, M. Addaney, & L. A. Nkansah (Eds.), Democratic governance, law, and development in Africa (pp. 255–279). Springer International Publishing.
Alo, S. A., Sedegah, D. D., & Akagbor, M. A. (2022). Gendered power relationships and inequality in northern Ghana. In M. E. Addadzi-Koom, M. Addaney, & L. A. Nkansah (Eds.), Democratic governance, law, and development in Africa (pp. 223–254). Springer International Publishing.
Edited Volumes
Alkan, H., Dayı, A., Topçu, S., & Yarar, B. (Eds.). (2021). The politics of the female body in contemporary Turkey: Reproduction, maternity, sexuality. I.B. Tauris.
Alkan, H., & Maksudyan, N. (Eds.). (2020). Urban neighbourhood formations: Boundaries, narrations and intimacies. Routledge.
Journal Articles
Alkan, H. (2021). Temporal intersections of mobility and informality: Simsars as (im)moral agents in the trajectories of Syrian refugees in Turkey and Germany. Migration Letters, 18(2), 201–213.
Alkan, H. (2021). The gift of hospitality and the (un)welcoming of Syrian migrants in Turkey. American Ethnologist, 48(2), 180–191.
Alkan, H., & Liebau, H. (2021). Witnessing as political activism: Zeitzeugen in Asia and the Middle East (No. 14; pp. 1–17). Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient.
Journal Articles
Amougou, G. (2021). Les entrepreneurs camerounais face aux pouvoirs publics: Querelles autour de «l’émergence». Anthropologie & Développement, 52, 51–68.
Amougou, G., Bezanga, E. V. S., & Oyane Ossah, V. (2021). De l’assujettissement à la subjectivation: Parcours de jeunes gardiens domestiques originaires de la région de l’extrême-nord à Yaoundé. Revue Internationale Des Études Du Développement, 246(2), 181–206.
Amougou, G. (2020). Le concept de sujet-entrepreneur: Analyse de nouvelles formes de subjectivités à partir d’une enquête effectuée au Cameroun. Nouvelles Perspectives En Sciences Sociales, 15(1), 207–245.
Khan-Mohammad, G., & Amougou, G. (2020). Industrie et développement au Cameroun: Les dynamiques d’un état dans l’«émergence». Critique internationale, 89(4), 53.
Journal Articles
McKearney, P., & Amrith, M. (2021). Care. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
Amrith, M. (2021a). The linear imagination, stalled: Changing temporal horizons in migrant journeys. Global Networks, 21(1), 127–145.
Amrith, M. (2021b). Ageing bodies, precarious futures: The (im)mobilities of ‘temporary’ migrant domestic workers over time. Mobilities, 16(2), 249–261.
Amrith, M. (2018). Tentative friendships among low-income migrants in São Paulo’s commercial districts. Urban Studies, 55(3), 522–537.
Book Chapters
Bahl, E., & Worm, A. (2022). Precarious transnationality. In G. Rosenthal (Ed.), Transnational biographies: Changing we-images, collective belongings and power chances of migrants and refugees (pp. 173–219). Göttingen University Press.
Bahl, E., & Becker, J. (2020). Global processes of flight and migration: How case studies help to understand their complex and heterogeneous character. In E. Bahl & J. Becker (Eds.), Global processes of flight and migration: The explanatory power of case studies (pp. 9–21). Göttingen University Press.
Journal Articles
Balerdi, S. (2021). Gestión estatal del hábitat y segregación residencial: Incertidumbre, participación y reclamo en un conflicto habitacional. Cuaderno Urbano, 30(30).
Balerdi, S. (2020a). Etnografía y extensión universitaria: Conocer e intervenir en un conflicto por hábitat en La Plata, Argentina. ILUMINURAS, 21(54).
Balerdi, S. (2020b). Etnografía de un conflicto habitacional: Desplazamientos teóricos y metodológicos desde una perspectiva pragmática. Revista Latinoamericana de Metodología de Las Ciencias Sociales (Relmecs), 10(2), e080.
Balerdi, S. (2019). Hábitat deseable: Criterios locales sobre viviendas y barrios en un conflicto por relocalizaciones. Estudios Del Hábitat, 17(1), e068.
Edited Volumes
Becker, J., Weidenhaus, G., & Witte, N. (Eds.). (forthcoming). Biographie und Raum. Göttingen University Press.
Bahl, E., & Becker, J. (Eds.). (2020). Global processes of flight and migration: The explanatory power of case studies. Göttingen University Press.
Book Chapters
Berger, Y. (2023). Sprachliche und kulturelle Übersetzungsprozesse in der Forschungspraxis: Methodische Herausforderungen im Kontext qualitativer Forschung [Linguistic and cultural translation processes in research practice: Methodological challenges in the context of qualitative research]. In J. Donlic (Ed.), Qualitative Methoden in der Forschungspraxis: Perspektiven, Erfahrungen und Anwendungsfelder [Qualitative methods in research practice: Perspectives, experiences and fields of application] (pp. 138–162). Verlag Barbara Budrich.
Berger, Y. (2022). Becoming a Modern Citizen: Othering im Kontext von Bildungsaufstieg in post-Mao China [Becoming a modern citizen: Othering in the context of educational trajectories in post-Mao China]. In I. Siouti, T. Spies, E. Tuider, H. Von Unger, & E. Yildiz (Eds.), Othering in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft: Herausforderungen und Konsequenzen für die Forschungspraxis [Othering in the postmigrant society: Challenges and consequences for the research practice] (Vol. 12, pp. 151–178). transcript Verlag.
Edited Volumes
Bramadat, P., Griera, M., Burchardt, M., & Martinez-Ariño, J. (Eds.). (2021). Urban religious events: Public spirituality in contested spaces. Bloomsbury Academic.
Burchardt, M., & Giorda, M. (Eds.). (2021). Geographies of encounter: The making and unmaking of multi-religious spaces. Palgrave Macmillan.
Dilger, H., Bochow, A., Burchardt, M., & Wilhelm-Solomon, M. (Eds.). (2020). Affective trajectories: Religion and emotion in African cityscapes. Duke University Press Books.
Book Chapters
Di Marco, M. H. (forthcoming). Stories of masculinity and violence: Biographical approach on homicide perpetrators. In R. Biholar & D. Leslie (Eds.), Gender dimensions of violence prevention. Palgrave Macmillan.
Di Marco, M. H., Dawson, M., & Mobayed, S. (forthcoming). The perpetrators’ perspectives: A global review of male intimate femicide offenders’ accounts. In The Routledge international handbook of femicide and feminicide. Routledge.
Journal Articles
Di Marco, M. H., & Evans, D. P. (2021). Society, her or me? An explanatory model of intimate femicide among male perpetrators in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Feminist Criminology, 16(5), 607–630.
Baranyi, G., Di Marco, M. H., Russ, T. C., Dibben, C., & Pearce, J. (2021). The impact of neighbourhood crime on mental health: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 282, 114106.
Di Marco, M. H. (2018a). External causes of mortality as a public health problem in Argentina. European Journal of Public Health, 28(suppl_4).
Di Marco, M. H. (2018b). Life stories of men who have committed homicide in Buenos Aires, Argentina. European Journal of Public Health, 28(suppl_4).
Journal Articles
Gyan, S. E., & Marhefka-Day, S. (2021). Exploring adolescents’ (non-)use of modern contraceptives in Ghana through the lens of the theory of gender and power. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50(6), 2411–2421.
Afranie, S., Gyan, S. E., & Tsiboe-Darko, A. (2019). Child marriage in Ghana: Who cares? Ghana Journal of Science, 16(2).
Gyan, S. E. (2018). Passing as “normal”: Adolescent girls’ strategies for escaping stigma of premarital sex and childbearing in Ghana. SAGE Open, 8(3), 1–8.
Gyan, S. E. (2017). Exploring the causes of change in adolescent girls’ sexual behaviour in Begoro, Ghana. African Journal of Reproductive Health, 21(2), 55–63.
Book Chapters
Huang, W. (2021). The sinicization of Buddhism and its competing reinventions of tradition. In R. Madsen (Ed.), The sinicization of Chinese religions: From above and below (pp. 64–85). BRILL.
Huang, W. (2020). Urban restructuring and temple agency: A case study of the Jing’an Temple. In Z. Ji, G. Fisher, & A. Laliberté (Eds.), Buddhism after Mao (pp. 251–270). University of Hawaii Press.
Huang, W. (2019). Globalization as a tactic: Legal campaigns of the Falun Gong diaspora. In P. R. Katz & S. Travagnin (Eds.), Key concepts in practice (pp. 233–256). De Gruyter.
Huang, W. (2017). Civic engagement and discursive space among a religious group in Shanghai. In S. Brandtstädter & H. Steinmüller (Eds.), Popular politics and the quest for justice in contemporary China (pp. 124–138). Routledge.
Journal Articles
Mishra, R. K. (2021). The appropriated body: Biometrics regime, the digital state and healthcare in contemporary India. Global Policy, 12(S6), 55–64.
Al Dahdah, M., & Mishra, R. K. (2020). Smart cards for all: Digitalisation of universal health coverage in India. Science, Technology and Society, 25(3), 426–443.
Book Chapters
Nkomo, N., & Kiguwa, P. (forthcoming). (Mis)recognitions in the racial apology: Reading the racist event and its fallouts. In D. Smythe & M. Judge (Eds.), Unsettling apologies: Critical writings on apology in South Africa. Bristol University Press.
Journal Articles
Nkomo, N., Chiya, K., Sikhosana, N., & Nkosi, N. (2022). Race and victimhood in the South African farm attacks narrative [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Du Bois Review.
Canham, H., Kotze, E., Nkomo, N., & Nkomo, S. (2020). Retrieving grandfathers and histories through objects and affective registers. Emotion, Space and Society, 34, 100650.
Nkomo, N. (2015). Bearing the right to healthcare, autonomy and hope. Social Science & Medicine, 147, 163–169.
Nkomo, N., & Long, C. (2014). Governmentality, subjectivity and AIDS. Subjectivity, 7(4), 411–431.
Journal Articles
Okyerefo, M. P. K. (2021). Curiosity is the bedrock that transcends boundaries and foments African conceptualization of critical categories. Afroglobe: Recherche et Débat Sur L’Afrique-Monde, 1(1), 3–24.
Okyerefo, M. P. K. (2019). Scrambling for the centre: Ghana’s new churches as an alternative ideology and power. Religions, 10(12), 668.
Okyerefo, M. P. K. (2018a). Philanthropy as image politics in Ghana’s new churches. Journal for the Study of the Religions of Africa and Its Diaspora, 4(1), 99–112.
Okyerefo, M. P. K. (2018b). Deconstructing and reconstructing: Embracing alternative ways of producing, classifying and disseminating knowledge: An african perspective. Etnološka Tribina, 48(41), 3–101.
Okyerefo, M. P. K., & Fiaveh, D. Y. (2017). Prayer and health-seeking beliefs in Ghana: Understanding the “Religious Space” of the urban forest. Health Sociology Review, 26(3), 308–320.
Journal Articles
Philipps, J. (2018). A global generation? Youth studies in a postcolonial world. Societies, 8(1), 14.
Philipps, J. (2016). Crystallising contention: Social movements, protests and riots in African Studies. Review of African Political Economy, 43(150), 592–607.
Journal Articles
Ruvituso, C. (2021). Southern Theories und die Öffnung des Sozialwissenschaftlichen Kanons: Darcy Ribeiros (vergessener) Beitrag zur Gesellschaftstheorie. Leviathan, 49(2), 266–285.
Ruvituso, C. (2020). Southern theories in northern circulation: Analyzing the translation of Latin American dependency theories into German. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society, 3(1), 92–106.
Ruvituso, C. (2019). From the south to the north: The circulation of Latin American dependency theories in the Federal Republic of Germany. Current Sociology, 68(1), 22–40.
Ruvituso, C. (2017). Post-war Argentinian philosophical debates and the peripheral condition. Transcience: A Journal of Global Studies, 8(1).
Journal Articles
Desille, A., & Sa’di-Ibraheem, Y. (2021). “It’s a matter of life or death”: Jewish migration and dispossession of Palestinians in Acre. Urban Planning, 6(2), 32–42.
Sa’di-Ibraheem, Y. (2021a). Privatizing the production of settler colonial landscapes: ‘Authenticity’ and imaginative geography in Wadi Al-Salib, Haifa. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 39(4), 686–704.
Sa’di-Ibraheem, Y. (2021b). Indigenous students’ geographies on the academic fortress campus: Palestinian students’ spatial experiences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies, 20(2), 123–145.
Sa’di-Ibraheem, Y. (2020a). Jaffa’s times: Temporalities of dispossession and the advent of natives’ reclaimed time. Time & Society, 29(2), 340–361.
Sa’di-Ibraheem, Y. (2020b). Settler colonial temporalities, ruinations and neoliberal urban renewal: The case of Suknet Al-Huresh in Jaffa. GeoJournal.
Book Chapters
Boatcă, M., & Santos, F. (forthcoming). Europe’s place in the world: Globalizing and decolonizing sociologies of space and Europe. In D. Bartmanski, H. Füller, J. Hoerning, & G. Weidenhaus (Eds.), Considering space: The spatial refiguration of the social. Routledge.
Santos, F., & Boatcă, M. (2022). Europeanization as global entanglement. In S. M. Büttner, M. Eigmüller, & S. Worschech (Eds.), Sociology of Europeanization (pp. 105–132). De Gruyter.
Schilling, H. (2020). Aller se chercher: Urban youth’s making of livelihood in unstable work in Abidjan and Berlin. [Doctoral dissertation, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin].
Journal Articles
Knaus, K., Margies, N., & Schilling, H. (2021). Thinking the city through work: Blurring boundaries of production and reproduction in the age of digital capitalism. City, 25(3–4), 303–314.
Schilling, H. (2021a). Junge Städter zwischen Improvisation und Ausbeutung: Abidjans Handyguthabenverkäufer als Knotenpunkte von Infrastrukturen des digitalisierten Kapitalismus. Sub\urban: Zeitschrift Für Kritische Stadtforschung, 9(1/2), 31–50.
Schilling, H. (2021b). Lokale urbane Welten sichtbar machen: Kommentar zu Stefan Höhne und Boris Michel “Das Ende des Städtischen? Pandemie, Digitalisierung und planetarische Enturbanisierung.” Sub\urban: Zeitschrift Für Kritische Stadtforschung, 9(1/2), 179–184.
Schilling, H., Blokland, T., & Simone, A. (2019). Working precarity: Urban youth tactics to make livelihoods in instable conditions in Abidjan, Athens, Berlin and Jakarta. The Sociological Review, 67(6), 1333–1349.
Schilling, H., & Dembele, O. (2019). Jeunes entreprenants de la téléphonie mobile à Abidjan: Du lien social entrepreneurial au service de l’exploitation économique. Politique africaine, 153(1), 181.
Book Chapters
Bahl, E., & Worm, A. (forthcoming). Precarious transnationality. In G. Rosenthal (Ed.), Transnational biographies: Changing we-images, collective belongings and power chances of migrants and refugees. Göttingen University Press.
Worm, A. (2020). Zur Verbindung einer transnationalen mit einer biographietheoretischen Perspektive in der Fluchtforschung: Migrationsverläufe im Kontext des syrischen Bürgerkrieges. In E. Bahl & J. Becker (Eds.), Global processes of flight and migration: The explanatory power of case studies (pp. 103–122). Göttingen University Press.