Sociologist, social psychologist

Yvonne Berger

I am a professor in applied social sciences at the Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences, Germany. I studied sociology, reflexive social psychology and (social-)pedagogy at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich and Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg. From 2011–2020, I worked as a research assistant and postdoctoral researcher at the chair of Qualitative Methods in Empirical Social Research, Institute of Sociology at LMU Munich. In 2017, I completed my doctorate where I addressed the topic of biographical orientations and educational trajectories of urban Chinese in the People’s Republic of China. From 2012–2013, I was a research fellow at the Department of Social Development and Public Policy at Fudan University Shanghai, China.
My research focus and areas of interest lie in the field of methodology and methods of qualitative social research, life course and biographical research, educational research and social inequality, transnational and intersectional perspectives as well as postcolonial theories.
What interests me in global sociology are questions of transnational interconnectedness and their empirical study. Doing global sociology for me means working with international colleagues on local and global social issues.