When the idea of ‘epistemologies of the Global South’ travels
By Sari Hanafi. Boaventura de Sousa Santos offers a powerful political and epistemological proposal pointing out that, along with the oppressive practices of colonialism, patriarchy, and capitalism, there has been a massive epistemicide.
Interpretative research in the Global South: Do we need different methods?
By Gabriele Rosenthal. In this blog post, I argue that if we use interpretative, qualitative methods which follow the principles of openness and reconstruction, and use an abductive approach, we do not need different methods for research in the Global South.
Global sociology and postcolonial critique: Notes on affinities, divergences and ways forward
By Marian Burchardt. Global sociology and postcolonial sociology have emerged as two agendas which partly overlap and converge but which also entail some divergent assumptions and emphases. The relationship of these agendas yet requires some clarification.